Someone that tries to become a boxing insider by trying to talk to athletes but gets attitude with them if they do not get what they want.

One who makes article type posts that are short and without substance, somehow turning all posts about a select number of athletes out of the great pool of talent.

Ultimately focusing on the top tier talent over all, repurposing other’s articles for their own assumed gains.


Jay Kemp, #NextGenChamp

Northwest Chicago Suburb native that has an aptitude for development of sports. Sports is my life, from youth to professional levels. I make things happen! I AM GOLDEN! Sports BIZness specialties include marketable presentation, public relations, sponsorship acquisition and retention, up-to-date marketing strategies, charitable projects and how they translate into positive public image. In addition to boxing, I am a nationally certified coach in the sports of lacrosse, soccer, and wrestling, with ties to many other sports. Telephone: 224-627-3777

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