Photo from Acuna’s Facebook:
“Nuevamente en mis Manos !!!
Quiero agradecer a todos lo que hicieron posible esta pelea. Gracias Catamarca x tanta PASION!! Y todos los que trabajaron para este evento.
A mi EQUIPO INCONDICIONAL, sin udes no seria nada RAMON,JORGE Y JOSUE ..gracias x estar y seguir con esta aventura. Y mil gracias a toda la gente que me demuestra todo su cariño constantemente !!
Again in my hands!!!
I want to thank everyone who made this fight possible. Thank you catamarca x so much passion!! and everyone who worked for this event.
To my unconditional team, without you it would be nothing Ramon, Jorge and josue.. Thank you for being and going on with this adventure. And a thousand thanks to all the people who show me all their love constantly!!”
Argentina’s Marcela Acuña (46-7-1, 19 KOs) took her 55th career matchup with countrywoman Laura Griffa (16-2, 1 KO) as serious as her first pro match back in 1997, out to prove that “La Tigresa” is far from done.
The 41 year old Acuña lost her IBF title in April to the reigning WBO Bantamweight Champion Daniela Bermudez by Unanimous Decision. She felt bitter and betrayed by controversial judging.
Forward almost 4 months and her title was vacant and available.
O.R. Promotions’ Osvaldo Rivero put together another Main Event featuring Argentine rivals on popular tv and for a familiar title.
Acuña came in fresh and prepared to face the younger and very physically fit Griffa.
“La Tigresa” displayed the strong disciple and tactical game plan on her opponent, who while fit – struggled to match the decades of experience pressured against her.
After 10 Rounds of pounding action, the judges scored the match correctly and donned the former champion with her belt again.
Official Scores: 97-93, 98-92, 97-93
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