Press Tour Photo Credits: Juan from Cyber Boxing
During the Media Only Access to Mayweather/Maidana II Press Tour stop in Chicago on Tuesday, #WomenofBoxing posed some questions to Mayweather Promotions – Floyd Mayweather Jr. and CEO Leonard Ellerbe:
#WomenofBoxing: (directed to Mayweather) Your success is obvious and it’s known that you worked your way up to that success. Now you have (WBC Diamond Flyweight Champion) Ava Knight (among others) coming into your gym. What do you think the chances are for women to get to the point of participating on a #mayhem (type) show?

Latondria Jones, from Facebook
Money: This is going to be our new champ (turning away, behind himself). Come over here. Latondria Jones. She is in the works. We are going to be working with her. She has been helping our camp out and she has been in the gym day in and day out. She is about to turn professional in a short period of time. Give us less than three years, she will be champion!
#WomenofBoxing: What is it going to take to get women to be on that big stage?
Leonard Ellerbe: We are making every opportunity to try to incorporate women’s boxing into what we are doing. There are lots of excellent women’s fighters out there in the world. We happen to have a few of them in our gym. But it is a process, just like anything. We will get there when we need to. We are definitely open-minded and we have been very responsive to bringing in women fighters to come in and feel as part of what we are doing.
After the Media Only Access, we spoke briefly with Jones. She has an undefeated amateur record and there is a possibility that she may be making her professional debut on the #mayhem undercard. We look forward to her anticipated success to start a prestigiously-planned career.
The moral of the story is… Develop your value if you want to draw the attention of the powers that be. Doing the work inside the ring is not all there is to building worth and ROI (Return On the Investment).
MARKET PROVEN DISCOVERY!!! The major players are investing. What is it that they are looking at, to invest into? That list is ever grown and potentially endless.
#WomenofBoxing Marketing Suggestion… when face to face with a major promoter:
Ask – “What will it take to get onto the major stage?” That is a question that cannot be answered by “Yes”, “No”, or (but still possible) blown off. The answer(s) that you will receive will intrigue!